books - contemplations, abstractions, and ruminations

Me and Books

Alright, how do I begin this?

Hi, I’m Titus. I’ve been here on Bookworms and Bluestockings for quite over a year now, more or less. But maybe you may not know me because I don’t post a lot of stuff. In fact, I am not that active at all. Why? Well, let me explain.

I have always loved books since I was young; the smell of old or new paper, turning each page again and again to see what happens next on the other side. Stories have brought me to worlds that I have never dreamed of going to, and I get to meet characters that are so fun and relatable. I witness the epic battles, the triumphs over evil. I saw that I can defeat my monsters, because that’s what stories do.

I wish I could say the same now.

I’m a teen. You can say I that I grew up. The great battles of my imagination have faded away, the excitement of going places has dwindled. I have not read from a single book in months actually, and I can safely say that I feel attracted towards “more” entertaining activities.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love stories (I’m even writing one right now, as well as a comic series). But instead of being immersed in my imagination, I prefer watching a movie, or playing Halo. The social media had me hooked, in fact, and I was desperate to try and get better with my art. This was my obsession now, and I didn’t notice. My books just sit now on the shelf, gathering a ton of dust.

I don’t think I’m the only one with this kind of story. Many people my age struggle with reading books, or even forget their existence completely. Maybe you find something else more interesting. Maybe you thought that books are a bit of a time-waster. I’m not here to try and change your mind or anything, but maybe I could just make you think.

Books are really important. They may not seem like much at first, but they liven up the imagination to something really colorful and alive, and gets the brain working like a powerhouse. It’s a beautiful escape to another world and time. The right tale teaches one to be brave, courageous, and to stand up for yourself and be the hero in your own world. Our phones and computers have a lot of color and excitement, and that actually kills the creativity and imagination. I’ve been there, trust me.

Now, at least, books are making a comeback in my life, slowly but surely. I still do play video games and stuff like that, but I have to balance it properly with reading books. If you feel like just sitting in front of a computer makes your head feel mushy, or tired, try reading a book. It’s rejuvenating.

Safe Travels.

Titus the Traveller

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